2012 Gray PEAR Affair Family Reunion

Photos from the 2012 Reunion:
From LInda (on Facebook)You do NOT have to sign up for facebook to view these photos.
From Sue (on Flickr) You do NOT have to sign in to view these photos on Flickr.

Featured game for 2012 was the "Find Needle in Haystack" game.

This was a trivia game. Questions were based on facts about the 1962 World's Fair. Game players were given a tag (as part of their button) with one question and several answers on the back. The front of the tag was used for their name.

There were (space) needles hidden in the "haystack," each with one answer on the back. Not all of the needles hidden in the stack of popsicle sticks had correct answers. Each player had to find the needle in the "haystack" they believed had the correct answer to their quesion and turn it into the game master. If the answer on their needle was correct, he or she received a prize if they were one of the first five with the correct answers.

PDF with questions and answers.

Below is information that was written up in advance of the reunion:

2012 Gray PEAR Affair
"Remembering the Future 50 Years Ago
Seattle World's Fair 1962"

Saturday, August 4, 2012

This year's Gray PEAR Affair Family Reunion hosts are Frank and Lisa

Address, directions, phone numbers and emails have been sent to guests. If you have not received yours, contact us.

Visit us on facebook


What better icon for this year's piñata than the Space Needle? Share this picture below with all the kiddies. They won't want to miss hitting this needle into space and seeing all the candy fall to the ground!


Each attendee at the 2012 reunion receives a button. Add this year's button to your collection or, if you don't have a collection yet, make this button the first to start your own.

Commemorative buttons have been created for each reunion starting in 1988. This year's button marks the 31st reunion of the Gray, Merwin, Puckett and Ellingson family and friends getting together!


This year's space needle piñata is in the process of being created:

Chicken watering can made a perfect base
First layers of paper maché
Base of lamp made another perfect mold
Form comes off lamp base
A paper plate works for the bottom
Butter tub and plastic paper plate work for the top piece
Top piece drying in the sun
Almost ready for decorating!
ALL decorated!